What is EUPA ?

European Press Agency®, or EUPA for short, is one of the leading professional agencies for every kind of full or part time content makers in Europe. EUPA internationally represents the work and career of all kind of media people (influencers, bloggers, instagrammers, web channel animators, journalists, photographers, correspondents, videographers etc.) and supports the legal and social interests of its members. EUPA is an international, non-partisan and non-tariff representative of interests, politically and financially independent agency, which is not associated with any union or publisher.

Who can become a member ?

Anyone who produces any kind of professional quality media content, employed or freelance, can apply for membership. Unlike many other organizations and agencies, the EUPA doesn't differentiate between part or full time workers. Since professional journalistic work cannot be measured by income or professional status of its author, the EUPA ensures that freelancers also have the chance to become a member of an international organization and take advantage of all the benefits it offers.

As a member of the EUPA, what are my advantages ?

In addition to the professional recognition, being a member of our agency offers you :

  • An international press pass
  • An official press identity card (Reporter card)
  • A press vehicle ID for your car
  • A letter of accreditation
  • Legal advisory and assistance if your rights are threatened or violated
  • Contacts with an inspiring international professional network

Is the EUPA Press Pass internationally accepted ?

As a registered international media agency with a branch office in Geneva, Switzerland, the European Press Agency is authorized to issue its own press pass, which is officially recognized. Thanks to the agency's hard work, the press pass enjoys a high level of acceptance worldwide. Any EUPA Press Pass owner facing troubles regarding its acceptance may give the agency a call and receive legal help and status protection by intervention immediately.

What are the benefits of owning a EUPA Press Pass ?

Although holding a press pass does not give you the right to be admitted to events for free, most organizations assume that this card means you have a journalistic background without asking any questions and grant you access to the event for free.

In isolated cases, documents proving you are covering the news are asked for. With a EUPA press pass, you may also get admission to inaccessible areas which are off-limits for non-journalists. However, don't forget that every organizer can make use of the house rules and decide which media representatives to let in.

Please be aware that using your press pass respectfully and ethically is your own responsibility.

Is the EUPA Press Card official ?

Press cards are issued by agencies, not by governments, except in France. Therefore, there is no such thing as an official press card. Anyone who represents the press (whether full or part time) has the right to a press card. EUPA stays true to this principle.

Why does a EUPA membership include a Press Vehicle ID ?

Using a press vehicle ID for journalistic work may allow you to access blocked-off areas and use of special parking spots. It makes your work easier, especially when you attend crowded events like concerts, shows or sports competitions for instance. The press vehicle ID, however, does not protect you from getting parking tickets. The EUPA press vehicle ID may only be displayed when the car is being used for journalistic purposes and is only valid along with a EUPA Press Pass.

What it the difference between a press card and a press pass and why does a EUPA membership include both of them ?

Rules and regulations applying to the media people and journalists may vary depending on the country you're working in. You may need to show only one or both of them at the same time. Therefore, to prevent any kind of non-acceptance of its members, the EUPA has decided to include both a Press Pass and a Press Card in its membership VIP Pass Kit.

How can I know my membership application will be successful ?

If you produce any kind of professional quality journalistic and/or audio-visual content which may be looked upon, there is no reason why your membership request shouldn't be accepted by the EUPA. However, you must know that every application submitted is carefully studied, in order to prevent non-authorized individuals from obtaining a Press Kit and discrediting the agency. That's also why the flat fee you pay when submitting your application is not refundable if we find out you don't fulfill the requirements to become a member.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us.