Media world has evolved. Full-time journalists and mainstream medias are no longer alone providing news. The quality of a journalistic work cannot be measured by its income or the status of its author.
The EUPA aims at offering to all new media actors the professional recognition they deserve and becoming their dedicated agency, providing them all the services they need in their daily practice.
We built the EUPA under our three core values:
Integrity - Courage - Solidarity
Professional quality content makers, whatever their area of focus and kind of channel, are kindly requested to adhere to our values as they become estimated members of our agency.
As an international media agency, the EUPA offers its services, advantages and protection to full and part time media professionals, whether employees, independents or freelancers, including journalists, reporters, influencers, television and radio hosts, podcasters, web channels animators and media students. We defend their rights, legitimate their activities and provide them tools & help commercializing their work.
The global media landscape is constantly changing. Whilst the history of the written press goes back several centuries, television evolved into the most
Hundreds of events take place every day. With every decade, people absorb many times more and more information. Thanks to modern technologies, we
An encounter with Marc DESCHENAUX, Founder of the European Press Agency EUPA First, why did you decide to create the EUPA?Well, I think
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1201 Genève, Switzerland
Phone: +41(0)79 938 64 63
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Email: [email protected]
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London, United Kingdom,
Email: [email protected]
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10005 New York City, New York
United States of America
Phone: +1 346 639 48 29
Email: [email protected]