Alone, we are faster; Together, we are further!

Members of the EUPA are located all around the world, which allows our international media agency to cover the news and events wherever and whenever they take place. Modern journalism is dynamic and transforms along with the surrounding world. Our goal is to unite independent media actors across the globe, so that they can exchange information and broadcast it to any audience, guided by the principles of transparency and truthfulness.

We have created a platform that allows our members to get in touch and share raw information, in order to upgrade each one’s coverage.

If two people have an idea and share it together, then both have two ideas.

If you follow this principle in the context of the media industry, journalists will have a lot more information, which will improve their materials. Despite the principles of competition and struggle for the audience attention are still very present, the EUPA stands for accessibility of information.

When all parts of the news are diligently brought together and our members ready to publish them for the general public, they upload their material to our commercialization platform, where it becomes available for millions of readers, as well as to media. Thanks to the EUPA, they are protected in their actions and diligently paid when their work is used.

Last but not least, being part of an international network may lead to interesting opportunities like jobs offers, overseas classes, E-Learning courses and across borders personal exchanges & friendships.


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